Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Memorable Melodies: Title Screen from Mega Man 2

Song: Title Screen
Game: Mega Man 2
Composer: Kenji Yamazaki

I love video game title screens, and the title screen of Mega Man 2 just might be my all time favorite. You pop the cartridge in and the game boots up. Text begins to scroll telling you what's going on and what the game is all about. Then, the screen starts scrolling up while focusing on a building. The music starts soft, but as the screen scrolls up it gets faster and faster. Then, BOOM! You're at the title screen and Mega Man is standing there with the title of the game above him as one of the best songs in all of video games fills your ears.

Every time I watch the video above I get so hype that I can barely contain myself! There's just something about the way the song builds up and then starts to go nuts that gets to me every time. 

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