Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Power On!

"I received my very first video game console as a gift from my parents when I was in Kindergarden at the ripe young age of seven. I remember crying in the middle of Wal-Mart when the electronics clerk said he didn't think there were any Super Nintendos left. My father insisted that the clerk check to see if there were any more left in the store. Luckily for my parents the clerk returned with a brand new console for me to take home. We rushed home to hook it up to our relatively old television. It was a miracle that thing worked as well as it did. It was an old brown Zenith that had been passed down from my Great Grandma. It has since died, but it did its job for quite a long time. I put Super Mario Bros. in the SNES, hit the power, and from that moment my life was never the same.

Prior to that moment I don't know if I had ever played any other video games, but I fell in love with what I saw and experienced. I couldn't believe that I could control someone else in a different world."

The above quotation recounts my first experience with gaming. I can still clearly remember that moment, because as the quotation states once I hit the power on the SNES my life was never the same. That might sound corny from an outside perspective, but if you're an avid gamer you know exactly what I'm talking about. The concept of controlling someone else in a virtual world, being them, grabbed hold of me and hasn't let go since.

I am now twenty-one years old and about to graduate college a semester early. You might think that I would have grown out of gaming by now, but that is far from the case. I now own over four hundred games spread across at least ten consoles, and both of those numbers will be steadily climbing for years to come. As I previously mentioned I am going to be graduating from college about a month from now. I'll be graduating with a B.A. in English and Creative Writing. So needless to say I like to read and write as well as game. 

Over the years I've written a great deal about gaming, but I've chosen to keep most of it to myself. If I want to be a writer this behavior is unacceptable, which is why I am creating this blog titled Game Time With Manny. I've decided that it's time to get my thoughts and opinions about gaming out there and I couldn't think of a better place to start than the internet.


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